**Block Elements:**
- `<div>`: Generic container for grouping elements.
- `<p>`: Paragraph of text.
- `<h1>`, `<h2>`, ... `<h6>`: Headings of varying importance.
- `<ul>`: Unordered list.
- `<ol>`: Ordered list.
- `<li>`: List item within `<ul>` or `<ol>`.
- `<table>`: Defines a table.
- `<blockquote>`: Block of quoted content.
- `<address>`: Contact information.
**Inline Elements:**
- `<span>`: Generic inline container.
- `<a>`: Creates hyperlinks.
- `<strong>`: Strong importance.
- `<em>`: Emphasized text.
- `<abbr>`: Abbreviation.
- `<img>`: Embeds images.
- `<code>`: Inline code snippets.
- `<br>`: Line break.
- `<time>`: Represents dates and times.
- `<sup>`, `<sub>`: Superscript and subscript.
- `<a>`: Hyperlink.
**Block vs. Inline:**
- Block elements create new lines, take up full width.
- Inline elements stay within content flow.
**Block-Level Semantic Elements:**
- `<header>`, `<nav>`, `<main>`, `<section>`, `<article>`, `<aside>`, `<footer>`.
**Use Cases:**
- Use block elements for structuring larger content sections.
- Inline elements for text-level styling and links.
**Note:** HTML5 introduced more semantic block-level elements for better structure and meaning in web documents.